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Major Forum updates today (Sept 1, 2013)

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 5:25 am
by totalmotorcycle



Welcome yet another major update to the Total Motorcycle Forums! For the past 10 years our forums have been a popular and valuable resource for riders around the world and along the way we have strived to make them better and better. Today you might have noticed we have done some major forum updates. These updates include a re-org of our forum topics, subforms and a good ol' spring clean up as well. :D

Old posts? No worries we have kept the majority of posts and just moved them into existing or newly renamed subforums so almost nothing has been lost (the only things we didn't keep were the old for sale, wanted and freebie posts).

So I hope you enjoy the cleaner look and easier to read/use forums!

See you in the community!
