Ladies.......How far are you riding these days?

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Joined: Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:44 am
Real Name: Pam
Sex: Female
Years Riding: 24
My Motorcycle: 2013 BMW R1200R 90th Anniversary
Location: Lynchburg, VA

Re: Ladies.......How far are you riding these days?

#11 Unread post by Lion_Lady »

Earplugs! They help tremendously with cutting stress related fatigue.
I wear a hydration pack for hot weather or day long trips. Look for a super basic pack (with few pockets, etc.)
Stopping, getting off the bike every 60-90 minutes for a stretch and walk-around (5-15 minutes, depending on weather/traffic).
I prefer to stop and get gas, THEN find someplace less busy to do my stretch/walk.
Courage in women is often mistaken for insanity - Alice Paul

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